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Writer: DiscoveryLabDiscoveryLab

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

According to Boltzmann brain paradox it is far more likely for a single brain together with a false memory of its existence to spontaneously form that it is for the universe to have been created the way it is currently believed. To understand the idea behind the Boltzmann brain we first need to understand what led to its creation.

Ludwig Boltzmann was an Austrian physicist who contributed greatly to the field of thermodynamics in the 19th century, one of the key concepts of which is the second law of thermodynamics. It states that entropy of a closed system, such as the universe, always increases. However that would mean that, after some time, our universe would hit the point of thermodynamic equilibrium (state of maximum entropy) which is not the case since then the existence of order and of us would be impossible. Ludwig Boltzmann, the man after which the idea was ironically named, developed a theory called Boltzmann universe to account for the universe not being as chaotic (in a state of as high entropy) as the field of thermodynamics suggested. He stated that the low- entropy universe we live in is a statistical fluctuation of a universe with maximal entropy. Assuming this is true, since small fluctuations in entropy are by far more frequent than large fluctuations, the formation of a single conscious brain would be far less complex and more likely than the formation of the universe as we know it.

For better understanding you can apply this same principle to a situation that’s well-known to us. Like we already explained, in any system there is a tendency for entropy to increase or everything tends to spread out. Imagine a room filled with gas, the gas is spread out right? Well, due to something called quantum fluctuations you would, if given infinite time, see random particles spontaneously arrange themselves into more complex configurations. So to go back to our example, if you were to watch that room for long enough (trillions or even quadrillions of years) you would see all of the gas in the room pack itself into a corner before dispersing out again.

In this physics thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed, functioning brain complete with false memories, senses and a brief spark of consciousness. It is formed as a result of a random fluctuation of a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and will almost immediately after it was created stop functioning and deteriorate. Such spontaneous arrangement of atoms is highly, highly improbable, but given an infinite amount of time the laws of physics tell us not only is this likely to happen, it is inevitable.

The theoretical existence of a Boltzmann brain allows for them to be used rhetorically as an example of the absurdity that can come out of thermodynamic fluctuations. But it still raises the question is it possible that you are a Boltzmann brain enjoying the brief moment of your existence before disappearing into the void. The idea is impossible to prove or even disprove.

Sean Caroll, a theoretical physicist from Caltech, explained this paradox in his 2017 paper “Why Boltzmann brains are bad”. He said as follows:

”A randomly-fluctuating Boltzmann universe puts us in a strange predicament. On the one hand, we use our reasoning skills and knowledge of physics to deduce that in such a cosmos we are probably randomly-fluctuated observers, even after conditioning on our local data. On the other hand, we can also deduce that we then have no reason to trust those reasoning skills or that knowledge of physics. The randomly-fluctuating universe scenario is therefore self-undermining. You cannot simultaneously conclude that you live in a randomly-fluctuating universe and believe that you have good reason for concluding that. “

This, however, hasn’t stopped people from debating about the existence of such a thing as a Boltzmann brain and the probability that we, ourselves are the examples of their existence. So what are your thoughts on the subject, what do you believe to be the reality?


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—Susanne K. Langer

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