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The philtrum - what is its use?
vertical groove in the middle area of the upper lip, common to many mammals, extending in humans from the nasal septum to the upper lip

How is it that honey lasts forever?
being high in sugars which are hygroscopic, very few bacteria and microorganisms can live in the resulting low- moisture environment

Why you shouldn't piss off a crow
They can remember human faces associated with stressful situations for up to five years and they'll also warn their friends.

Sex anomalies: XY women, XX men
XY (the Y chromosome is missing the SRY gene) women are genetic men with a female phenotype...female external genitalia and Miller`s canals

Biological Mutagens: GMO
It includes viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, some worms, but also chemical products of some plants, lower animals as well as GMOs

Mutagens: Non-Ionizing Radiation
Microwave ovens, radio and TV antennae, radar installations and mobile phones..most dangerous for the brain, eyes, genitals, stomach, liver

Physical Mutagens: Ionizing Radiation
limiting lifetime diagnostic radiation exposure to 100 mSv, which is the equivalent to about 10,000 chest X-rays, but only 25 chest CT sca

Chemical Mutagens: cosmetics, agriculture, medicine etc.
Some drugs during development can cause limb disorders in humans and others primates. Acrolein has teratogenic and mutagenic effects.

MUTAGENS: Discovery and Types
Caffeine causes mutations in the c-K race oncogene. It is a gene discovered in mutated form in pancreatic cancer.

HIV resistance gene
CCR5-delta 32 is responsible for the two types of HIV resistance that exist. CCR5-delta 32 hampers HIV's ability to infiltrate immune cells.

Can science explain Déjà vu?
Déjà vu translates literally as “already seen“ and is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before.

Venus flytrap captures its prey using a human-like “memory“ system
Has a very simple, yet selective mechanism of capturing its prey

Circadian Rhythm, Biological Clocks and Sleep
They have been linked to the sleep-wake cycle, metabolism, weight, mental illnesses and even cancer (possible use in cancer prevention)

Brain in a Vat thought-experiment
A philosophical thought-experiment, most commonly used to challenge aspects of human conceptions of knowledge, reality and consciusness.

Telomeres: the secret of eternal life at the molecular level
Telomeres are an essential part of human cells that affect how our cells age.

From mind-controlled prosthetics to those that can "feel"
Building smart mind-controlled robotic limbs isn’t enough; the next goal is restoring sensation in artificial body parts.

MEG scanner: brain imaging helmet
Its uniqueness could lead to more discoveries regarding brain maturation and allow for better understanding and treatment of some diseases

Fentanyl: 100x stronger than heroin
Fentanyl is a very strong synthetic opioid, similar to morphine but much more dangerous. It’s medically prescribed for severe, disabling...

Radiation eating fungus found inside Chernobyl
A type of black fungus has been discovered inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, and it's feeding on the radiation. How is it able to...

OPTOGENETICS: when the impossible becomes possible
Optogenetics is one of the most rapidly growing fields of applied research because of its large application potential. It combines...
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